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R0 r P@ P@ P@ \`B/-偷@-$ 0s@B/04sԠ -- raw dataVOCWAVESparc Audio%s: %s:%d: no soundcards found...**** List of %s Hardware Devices **** hw:%dcontrol open (%i): %scontrol hardware info (%i): %ssnd_ctl_pcm_next_devicecontrol digital audio info (%i): %scard %i: %s [%s], device %i: %s [%s] Subdevices: %i/%i control digital audio playback info (%i): %s Subdevice #%i: %s snd_card_nextpcmInputOutputNAMEDESCIOID Aborted by signal %s... read error (called from line %i)Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations availableAccess type not availableSample format non availableChannels count non availableerr >= 0aplay.cWarning: rate is not accurate (requested = %iHz, got = %iHz) (-Dplug:%s) please, try the plug plugin %s Unable to install hw params:Can't use period equal to buffer size (%lu == %lu)unable to install sw params:not enough memorystatus error: %sunderrunoverrun%s!!! (at least %.3f ms long) Status: xrun: prepare error: %sStatus(DRAINING): capture stream format change? attempting recover... xrun(DRAINING): prepare error: %sStatus(R/W): read/write error, state = %sSuspended. Trying resume. Failed. Restarting stream. suspend: prepare error: %sDone. Unsupported bit size %d. | %02i%% !clip Max peak (%li samples): 0x%08x %i%% write error: %swritev error: %sreadv error: %smalloc errorPlaying Creative Labs Channel file '%s'... read errorcan't play packed .voc filescan't allocate buffer for silencewrite errorcan't play loops; %s isn't seekable unknown blocktype %d. terminate.voc_pcm_flush - silence errorvoc_pcm_flush errorCreative Voice FileWave doesn't support %s format...Sparc Audio doesn't support %s format...stdoutstdinPlayingRecording%s %s '%s' : %s, Rate %d Hz, MonoStereoChannels %i-Warning: format is changed to MU_LAW Warning: format is changed to U8 Warning: format is changed to S16_BE unknown length of 'fmt ' chunk (read %u, should be %u at least)can't play not PCM-coded WAVE-filescan't play WAVE-files with %d tracksWarning: format is changed to S16_LE Warning: format is changed to S24_3LE Warning: format is changed to S24_LE can't play WAVE-files with sample %d bits in %d bytes wide (%d channels) can't play WAVE-files with sample %d bits wide%s-01.%s%s-01%s-%02i.%s%s-%02iread error: %sloaded == 0.%dYou need to specify %d fileshelpversionlist-devnameslist-deviceslist-pcmsdevicequietfile-typeratedurationmmapnonblockperiod-timeperiod-sizeavail-minstart-delaystop-delaybuffer-timebuffer-sizeverboseseparate-channelsplaybackcapturedisable-resampledisable-channelsdisable-formatdisable-softvolarecordaplaycommand should be named either arecord or aplaydefaultUsage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... -h, --help help --version print current version -l, --list-devices list all soundcards and digital audio devices -L, --list-pcms list device names -D, --device=NAME select PCM by name -q, --quiet quiet mode -t, --file-type TYPE file type (voc, wav, raw or au) -c, --channels=# channels -f, --format=FORMAT sample format (case insensitive) -r, --rate=# sample rate -d, --duration=# interrupt after # seconds -M, --mmap mmap stream -N, --nonblock nonblocking mode -F, --period-time=# distance between interrupts is # microseconds -B, --buffer-time=# buffer duration is # microseconds --period-size=# distance between interrupts is # frames --buffer-size=# buffer duration is # frames -A, --avail-min=# min available space for wakeup is # microseconds -R, --start-delay=# delay for automatic PCM start is # microseconds (relative to buffer size if <= 0) -T, --stop-delay=# delay for automatic PCM stop is # microseconds from xrun -v, --verbose show PCM structure and setup (accumulative) -I, --separate-channels one file for each channel --disable-resample disable automatic rate resample --disable-channels disable automatic channel conversions --disable-format disable automatic format conversions --disable-softvol disable software volume control (softvol) Recognized sample formats are: Some of these may not be available on selected hardwareThe availabled format shortcuts are:-f cd (16 bit little endian, 44100, stereo)-f cdr (16 bit big endian, 44100, stereo)-f dat (16 bit little endian, 48000, stereo)%s: version 1.0.16 by Jaroslav Kysela rawvocwavausparcunrecognized file format %svalue %i for channels is invalidcdcdrdatwrong extended format '%s'bad speed value %iTry `%s --help' for more information. hnlLD:qt:c:f:r:d:MNF:A:R:T:B:vIPCaudio open error: %sinfo error: %snonblock setting error: %s%Li%n%sC!input->ungetconf.cconfdir:/usr/share/alsa/%srCannot access file %sconfigfather->type == SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND%s is not a real%s is not an integer%s is not a string%i%s is not a compound%s does not exists0''\%04o%ld%Ld%-16gcannot save runtime pointer typen->fatherconfig && outdst && srcascii && typeintegerinteger64realstringcompoundconfig && idconfig && inUnterminated stringUnterminated quoteUnexpected charUnexpected end of file_toplevel_%s:%d:%d:%s%s:%d:%d:Unexpected }father && leafconfig && asciiconfig && ptr%li%Liconfig && keymaximum loop count reached (circular configuration?)key %s refers to itselffuncField func is missingInvalid type for field funchook_funcInvalid type for func %s definitioncommentlibInvalid type for %sUnknown field %ssnd_config_hook_%s_dlsym_config_hook_001Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %sfunction %s returned error: %s@hooksid of field %s is not and integerroot && dsterrorsInvalid bool value in field errorsfilesUnable to find field files in the pre-load sectionUnable to expand filenames in the pre-load sectionInvalid type for field filenamesField %s is not a string%s may be old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix itcannot access file %ssnd_config_hook_loadsnd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards_top && _updateALSA_CONFIG_PATH/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf: hooks failed, removing configurationupdatenode->type == SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUNDerr >= 0@args@funcInvalid type for @funcsnd_func_%s_dlsym_config_evaluate_001result == ((void *)0)typedefault**ptr == '\\'Unknown parameter %svarlen < sizeof(buf)%dParameter %s definition is not correctParameter %s definition is missing a valid type infoParameter %s must be an integerParameter %s must be a realUnknown parameters %sLoad defaults error: %sParse arguments error: %sArgs evaluate error: %sExpand error (walk): %sEvaluate error: %sToo many definition levels (looped?) 01falsetruenoyesoffonconfmisc.cInvalid value for %sInvalid type for %svarsfield vars not founderror evaluating varsdefaultfield default not founderror evaluating defaulterror getting field defaultfield %s is not a stringid of field %s is not an integerinvalid string for id %ssnd_func_getenvsnd_func_igetenvstringsfield strings not founderror evaluating stringsinvalid ascii string for id %sempty string is not acceptedsnd_func_concatintegersfield integers not founderror evaluating integersinvalid integer for id %ssnd_func_iaddsnd_func_imul/usr/share/alsasnd_func_datadirhw:%listringfield string not foundfield string is not a stringsnd_func_private_stringcard >= 0 && card <= 32could not open control for card %isnd_ctl_card_info error: %scardfield card not foundfield card is not an integersnd_func_private_card_drivererror evaluating cardfield card is not an integer or a stringcannot find card '%s'snd_func_card_inumsnd_func_card_driversnd_func_card_idsnd_func_card_namedevicefield device not founderror evaluating devicefield device is not an integersubdeviceerror evaluating subdevicefield subdevice is not an integercould not open control for card %lisnd_ctl_pcm_info error: %ssnd_func_pcm_idclassfield class not founderror evaluating classfield class is not an integerindexfield index not founderror evaluating indexfield index is not an integercould not get next cardcould not get next pcm for card %iCARD=%i,DEV=%isnd_func_pcm_args_by_classpcm_handlefield pcm_handle not foundfield pcm_handle is not a pointersnd_func_private_pcm_subdevicefileerror evaluating filefile is not a stringnameerror evaluating namename is not a stringname is not specifiedrUnable to open file %s: %sUnable to find definition '%s'snd_func_referinputp && fpinput.c0*buffer->ptr == (unsigned char) cinputpoutputp && fpoutput.cresult >= 0result == (int)sizeoutputpSound protocol is not compatibleUnknown errorALSA lib %s:%i:(%s) : %s1.0.16LIBASOUND_DEBUG/dev/snd/controlC%i%icontrol_hw.cF_GETFL failedF_SETFL for O_NONBLOCK failedF_SETFL for O_ASYNC failedF_SETSIG failedF_SETOWN failedSNDRV_CTL_IOCTL_SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS failedSNDRV_CTL_IOCTL_CARD_INFO failedres == sizeof(*event)card >= 0 && card < 32/dev/snd/controlC%icommenttypecard_snd_ctl_hw_openNAME|DESC, / InputOutput|IOID%s.%s%s:CARD=%s,DEV=%i%s:CARD=%stypehwdevicenamehint.c(%s) device must be an integerhinthint (%s) must be a compoundshowdescriptiondevice_input(%s) device_input must be an integerdevice_output(%s) device_output must be an integerslave@argsdefaulthw:%i #%icardpcmrawmiditimerseqhwdepdefaults.namehint.showallnamehint.%sctlcontrol.cctl && pfdsctl && pfds && reventsctl && infoctl && listlist->space == 0 || list->pidsctl && info && (info->id.name[0] || info->id.numid)ctl && id && id->name[0]ctl && id && (id->name[0] || id->numid)ctl && control && (control->id.name[0] || control->id.numid)ctl && id && (id->name[0] || id->numid) && tlvctl && idctl && devicectl && eventInvalid poll_fds %d invalid poll descriptors %d handler->type == SND_ASYNC_HANDLER_CTLhwshmInvalid type for CTL %s definitionInvalid type for CTL definitiontypetype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %sctl_typeInvalid type for CTL type %s definitioncommentlibopenUnknown field %s_snd_ctl_%s_open%s/libasound_module_ctl_%s.so/usr/lib/alsa-lib_dlsym_control_001Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %sInvalid CTL %sctlp && namectlp && name && lconfNONEBOOLEANINTEGERENUMERATEDBYTESIEC958INTEGER64CARDHWDEPMIXERPCMRAWMIDITIMERSEQUENCERELEMtype <= SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_LASTiface <= SND_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_LASTtype <= SND_CTL_EVENT_LASTobjobj->type == SND_CTL_EVENT_ELEMobj && ptrptrdst && srcidx < obj->usedobj->type == SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_INTEGERobj->type == SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_INTEGER64obj->type == SND_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_ENUMERATEDidx < sizeof(obj->value.integer.value) / sizeof(obj->value.integer.value[0])idx < sizeof(obj->value.integer64.value) / sizeof(obj->value.integer64.value[0])idx < sizeof(obj->value.enumerated.item) / sizeof(obj->value.enumerated.item[0])idx < sizeof(obj->value.bytes.data)0pcmpcm.cpcm && infopcm && paramsval <= 64mask_inline.hPCM not set upparams->avail_min is 0pcm && statussize == 0 || bufferinvalid access type %ssize == 0 || bufspcm1pcm2pcm && pfdspoll_fd < 0pcm && pfds && reventsPLAYBACKCAPTUREOPENSETUPPREPAREDRUNNINGXRUNDRAININGPAUSEDSUSPENDEDDISCONNECTEDMMAP_INTERLEAVEDMMAP_NONINTERLEAVEDMMAP_COMPLEXRW_INTERLEAVEDRW_NONINTERLEAVEDS8U8S16_LES16_BEU16_LEU16_BES24_LES24_BEU24_LEU24_BES32_LES32_BEU32_LEU32_BEFLOAT_LEFLOAT_BEFLOAT64_LEFLOAT64_BEIEC958_SUBFRAME_LEIEC958_SUBFRAME_BEMU_LAWA_LAWIMA_ADPCMMPEGGSMSPECIALS24_3LES24_3BEU24_3LEU24_3BES20_3LES20_3BEU20_3LEU20_3BES18_3LES18_3BEU18_3LEU18_3BES16U16S24U24S32U32FLOATFLOAT64IEC958_SUBFRAMESigned 8 bitUnsigned 8 bitSigned 16 bit Little EndianSigned 16 bit Big EndianUnsigned 16 bit Little EndianUnsigned 16 bit Big EndianSigned 24 bit Little EndianSigned 24 bit Big EndianUnsigned 24 bit Little EndianUnsigned 24 bit Big EndianSigned 32 bit Little EndianSigned 32 bit Big EndianUnsigned 32 bit Little EndianUnsigned 32 bit Big EndianFloat 32 bit Little EndianFloat 32 bit Big EndianFloat 64 bit Little EndianFloat 64 bit Big EndianIEC-958 Little EndianIEC-958 Big EndianMu-LawA-LawIma-ADPCMSpecialSigned 24 bit Little Endian in 3bytesSigned 24 bit Big Endian in 3bytesUnsigned 24 bit Little Endian in 3bytesUnsigned 24 bit Big Endian in 3bytesSigned 20 bit Little Endian in 3bytesSigned 20 bit Big Endian in 3bytesUnsigned 20 bit Little Endian in 3bytesUnsigned 20 bit Big Endian in 3bytesSigned 18 bit Little Endian in 3bytesSigned 18 bit Big Endian in 3bytesUnsigned 18 bit Little Endian in 3bytesUnsigned 18 bit Big Endian in 3bytesHWHOOKSMULTIFILENULLSHMINETCOPYLINEARALAWMULAWADPCMRATEROUTEPLUGSHAREMETERMIXDROUTELBSERVERLINEAR_FLOATLADSPADMIXJACKDSNOOPIEC958SOFTVOLIOPLUGEXTPLUGSTDStandardDATAEXPLICITNONESTOPENABLEout stream : %s access : %s format : %s subformat : %s channels : %u rate : %u exact rate : %g (%u/%u) msbits : %u buffer_size : %lu period_size : %lu period_time : %u tstamp_mode : %s period_step : %d avail_min : %ld start_threshold : %ld stop_threshold : %ld silence_threshold: %ld silence_size : %ld boundary : %ld status state : %s trigger_time: %ld.%06ld tstamp : %ld.%06ld delay : %ld avail : %ld avail_max : %ld invalid handler type %dadpcmalawcopydmixfilehookshwladspalfloatlinearmetermulawmultinullemptyplugraterouteshareshmdsnoopdshareasymiec958softvolmmap_emul Invalid type for PCM %s%sdefinition (id: %s, value: %s)typetype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %spcm_typeInvalid type for PCM type %s definitioncommentlibopenUnknown field %s_snd_pcm_%s_open%s/libasound_module_pcm_%s.so/usr/lib/alsa-lib_dlsym_pcm_001[builtin]Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %sUnknown PCM %spcmp && namepcmp && name && lconfInvalid poll_fds %d invalid poll descriptors %d invalid format width %dbitofs % 8 == 0pcm_local.hdst_areassrc_areasinvalid channels %dinvalid frames %ld%s: paramsinvalid PCM info fieldinvalid rate_den valueinvalid msbits valueptrdst && srcpcm && params && valtstamp_mode: %s period_step: %u avail_min: %lu start_threshold: %ld stop_threshold: %ld silence_threshold: %lu silence_size: %lu boundary: %lu invalid start mode value %d invalid xrun mode value %d invalid tstamp_mode value %dparams && valinvalid silent_threshold value %ld (buffer_size = %ld)invalid silence_size %ld (boundary %ld, buffer_size %ld)objobj && ptrpcm && areas && offset && framescommit offset (%ld) doesn't match with appl_ptr (%ld) %% buf_size (%ld)commit frames (%ld) overflow (avail = %ld)formatchannelsperiod_timeperiod_sizeperiodsbuffer_timebuffer_sizerootconf_pcm_confpcm_slaveInvalid slave definitionidx < SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_LAST_INTERVALnames[idx]invalid type for %sunchangedunknown format %smissing field pcmmissing field %shinthw_ptrappl_ptrslaveunderrunoverrun%s occuredcannot recovery from %s, prepare failed: %scannot recovery from suspend, prepare failed: %sBroken configuration for %s: no configurations availableResampling setup failed for %s: %sAccess type not available for %s: %sSample format not available for %s: %sChannels count (%i) not available for %s: %sRate %iHz not available for playback: %sRate doesn't match (requested %iHz, get %iHz)Unable to set period time %i for %s: %sUnable to get period size for %s: %sUnable to set buffer size %lu %s: %sUnable to get buffer size for %s: %sUnable to get buffer time (latency) for %s: %sUnable to set hw params for %s: %sUnable to determine current swparams for %s: %sUnable to set start threshold mode for %s: %sUnable to set avail min for %s: %sUnable to set sw params for %s: %sLIBASOUND_DEBUGALSA ERROR hw_params: %s (%s) value = %s%u : %s 0pcm_params.csnd_interval_single(i)interval_inline.h!snd_interval_empty(i)!snd_mask_empty(mask)mask_inline.h!snd_mask_empty(m)hw_is_mask(var)hw_is_interval(var)val <= 64to <= 64 && from <= toset_minset_maxset_minmaxsetset_near NONE ALLACCESSFORMATSUBFORMATSAMPLE_BITSFRAME_BITSCHANNELSRATEPERIOD_TIMEPERIOD_SIZEPERIOD_BYTESPERIODSBUFFER_TIMEBUFFER_SIZEBUFFER_BYTESTICK_TIMEparam <= SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_LAST_INTERVALSlave PCM not usableerr >= 0pcm && paramspcm->setup0pcm_misc.csnd_pcm_format_physical_width(format) <= 32snd_pcm_format_physical_width(format) <= 16snd_pcm_format_physical_width(format) <= 8ctl_id && cardpcommentcardInvalid field %sCannot get index for %sifaceinterfacefield %s is not a stringInvalid value for '%s'nameindexfield %s is not an integerdevicesubdevicecountInvalid count %ldhwctlThe field %s must be a boolean typeUnknown field %sMissing control nameplug->gen.slave == plug->req_slavepcm_plug.c?snd_pcm_format_linear(slv->format)Invalid route policyerrplug->ttable_okUnable to find an usable slave format for '%s'Format: %sSlave format: %sUnable to find an usable access for '%s'Unable to find an usable client formatPlug PCM: pcmp && slaveslavettableInvalid type for %sroute_policyTable is defined, route policy is ignoreddefaultaveragecopyduplicaterate_converterUnknown field %sslave is not defined_snd_pcm_plug_open%s External PCM Plugin Its setup is: Slave: rootpcm_extplug.cextplug && extplug->callbackextplug->callback->transferslave_confextplug: Plugin version mismatch EXTPLUG: invalid parameter type %dbytes <= file->wbuf_used_bytespcm_file.cwrite failedfile->wbuf_used_bytes < file->wbuf_size_bytesfile->wbuf_used_bytes == 0DEBUG: Noninterleaved read not yet implemented. ofs == offset && siz == size!file->wbufFile PCM (file=%s) File PCM (fd=%d) Its setup is: Slave: pcmprawfile format %s is unknownopen %s for writing failedopen %s for reading failedslaveformatInvalid type for %sfileinfilepermThe field perm must be a valid file permissionUnknown field %sslave is not definedfile is not defined_snd_pcm_file_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0 pcm_softvol.csoftvol supports only S16_LE, S16_BE, S24_3LE, S32_LE or S32_BESoft volume PCM Control: %s min_dB: %g max_dB: %g resolution: %d Its setup is: Slave: No card defined for softvol controlhw:%dCannot open CTL %sCannot get info for CTL %sCannot add a controlControl %s mismatchcannot allocate dB tablepcmp && slaveslavecontrolresolutionInvalid resolution valuemin_dBInvalid min_dB valuemax_dBInvalid max_dB valueUnknown field %sslave is not definedcontrol is not definedmin_dB must be a negative valuemax_dB must be larger than min_dB and less than %d dBInvalid resolution value %donly S16_LE, S16_BE, S24_3LE, S32_LE or S32_BE format is supported_snd_pcm_softvol_openHooks PCM Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_hooks.cInvalid hook definitioncommenttypehook_argsUnknown field %stype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %spcm_hook_typeInvalid type for PCM type %s definitionlibinstall_snd_pcm_hook_%s_install_dlsym_pcm_001[builtin]Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %sunknown hook_args %sslavehooksslave is not definedpcm_hookunknown pcm_hook %s_snd_pcm_hooks_openhookhookp && funcsnd_pcm_type(pcm) == SND_PCM_TYPE_HOOKSconfsnd_config_get_type(conf) == SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUNDNo card for this PCMhw:%dCannot open CTL %spcm_handle_snd_pcm_hook_ctl_elems_installpcm_shm.cServer has not done the cmdshm rbptr mmap failedclose failed0Shm PCM Its setup is: socket failedconnect failedserver for socket %s is not runningwrite errorwrite size errorread errorread size errorshmat errorserverInvalid type for %spcmUnknown field %spcm is not definedserver is not definedUnknown server %sInvalid type for server %s definitioncommenthostsocketporthost is not definedsocket is not definedCannot resolve %s%s is not the local host_snd_pcm_shm_opens > 0pcm_mmap.coffsetmmap_offsettoo short avail %ld to size %ldinvalid access type %dpcmPCM not set upAlready mmapped0mmap failedshmget failedshmat failedshmctl mark remove failedsnd_shm_area_create failedmalloc failedNot mmappedbitofs % 8 == 0pcm_local.hrawmidirawmidi.cparamsInvalid type for RAWMIDI %s definitionInvalid type for RAWMIDI definitiontypetype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %srawmidi_typeInvalid type for RAWMIDI type %s definitioncommentlibopenUnknown field %s_snd_rawmidi_%s_open_dlsym_rawmidi_001Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %serr >= 0Unknown RawMidi %s(inputp || outputp) && name(inputp || outputp) && name && lconfrawmidi && pfds && revents!(rawmidi->mode & 0x0001)infodst && srcrawmidi && paramsval > params->avail_minval < params->buffer_sizeptrstatusstatus && tstamprawmidi->stream == SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_OUTPUTbuffer || size == 0rawmidi->stream == SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_INPUThinthwdep.cInvalid type for HWDEP %s definitionInvalid type for HWDEP definitiontypetype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %shwdep_typeInvalid type for HWDEP type %s definitioncommentlibopenUnknown field %s_snd_hwdep_%s_open_dlsym_hwdep_001Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %shwdepUnknown HwDep %shwdep && namehwdep && name && lconfhwdep && pfds && reventsinfodst && srcobj((hwdep->mode & 0003) == 01) || ((hwdep->mode & 0003) == 02)buffer || size == 0((hwdep->mode & 0003) == 00) || ((hwdep->mode & 0003) == 02)blockobj && namehwdephwdep_hw.chwdep && infohwdep && (buffer || size == 0)handle/dev/snd/hwC%iD%icommenttypecarddeviceUnexpected field %s_snd_hwdep_hw_openhandlerasync.csigaction0socket.csendmsg failedrecvmsg failedsocket failedSIOCGIFCONF failedhsetup.cCannot lock ctl elemCannot read ctl elem0Cannot write ctl elemCannot unlock ctl elemCannot restore ctl elemCannot obtain info for CTL elemUnknown control type: %dbad value content bad value typebad value indexcommentifaceinterfacefield %s is not a stringInvalid value for '%s'nameindexfield %s is not an integerdevicesubdevicelockfield %s has an invalid typefield %s is not a booleanpreservevaluemaskoptionalUnknown field %sMissing control nameMissing control valueCannot obtain info for CTL elem (%s,'%s',%li,%li,%li): %ssctlhandleconfcontrol_shm.cServer has not done the cmdserver for socket %s is not runningwrite errorwrite size errorread errorread size errorcommenttypeserverInvalid type for %sctlUnknown field %sctl is not definedserver is not definedUnknown server %sInvalid type for server %s definitionhostsocketporthost is not definedsocket is not definedCannot resolve %s%s is not the local host_snd_ctl_shm_openslavepcm_empty.cUnknown field %sslave is not defined_snd_pcm_empty_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0?Route conversion PCM Route conversion PCM (sformat=%s) Transformation table: %d <- none %d*%g%d + Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slave && ttablepcm_route.ctt && tt_csize && tt_ssizeInvalid client channel: %sInvalid slave channel: %sInvalid null ttable configurationInvalid type for %sslavettableUnknown field %sslave is not definedttable is not definedslave format is not linear_snd_pcm_route_openpcm_share.csnd_pcm_mmap_commit errorcommit returns %ld for size %ldinvalid shared PCM state %dpcmpcm_local.hinvalid poll descriptors %dcan't create a pipesnd_pcm_sw_params errorslave is already running with incompatible setupshare->hw_ptr == 0(snd_pcm_uframes_t)res == hw_availn >= 0err >= 00err == 0Share PCM Channel bindings: %d: %d Its setup is: Slave: pcmpchannels > 0 && sname && channels_mapInvalid slave channel (%d) in bindingRepeated slave channel (%d) in binding(unsigned)channels_map[k] < schannelserr != 0Slave channel %d is already in useslavebindingsInvalid type for %sUnknown field %sslave is not definedslave.pcm is not a stringbindings is not definedInvalid client channel in binding: %sNo bindings definedschannel >= 0schannels <= 0 || schannel < schannels_snd_pcm_share_openCopy conversion PCM Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_copy.cslaveUnknown field %sslave is not defined_snd_pcm_copy_openDirect Share PCM Its setup is: pcmppcm_dshare.cThe dshare plugin supports only playback streamdshare: specify bindings!!!unable to create IPC semaphoreunable to create IPC shm instanceunable to open slavedshare plugin can be only connected to hw pluginunable to initialize slaveunable to create serverunable to connect clientdshare_clientdestination channel specified in bindings is already usedunable to initialize poll_fd_snd_pcm_dshare_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0 ?IEC958 subframe conversion PCM (%s) Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_iec958.cslavestatusInvalid type for %spreambleUnknown field %sinvalid IEC958 status bitsbzmxwyinvalid IEC958 preamble type %sinvalid IEC958 preamble valueslave is not definedinvalid slave format_snd_pcm_iec958_openplaybackcapturepcm_asym.cUnknown field %s%s slave is not defined_snd_pcm_asym_openinfo->subdevice < multi->slaves_countpcm_multi.cSlave PCM #%d not usableerr >= 0Multi PCM Channel bindings: %d: slave %d, channel %d Its setup is: Slave #%d: pcmpslaves_count > 0 && slaves_pcm && schannels_countchannels_count > 0 && sidxs && schannelsmaster_slave < slaves_countslaves_pcm[i]->stream == streamsidxs[i] < (int)slaves_countschannels[i] < schannels_count[sidxs[i]]!slave_map[sidxs[i]][schannels[i]]slavesInvalid type for %sbindingsmasterUnknown field %sslaves is not definedbindings is not definedMaster slave is out of range (0-%u) Invalid channel number: %sNo channels definedcommentslaveInvalid value for %s%ldchannelInvalid or missing sidx for channel %sInvalid or missing schannel for channel %s_snd_pcm_multi_open?!snd_interval_empty(i)interval_inline.hpcm_rate.crate plugin already in usearea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0pcmRate conversion PCM (%d) Rate conversion PCM (%d, sformat=%s) Its setup is: Slave: defaults.pcm.rate_converterpcmp && slavelinearInproper rate plugin %s initializationslaveconverterUnknown field %sslave is not definedslave format is not linear_snd_pcm_rate_openpcm_plugin.cwrite overflow %ld > %ldread overflow %ld > %ldshort commit: %ldpcmpcm_local.hDirect Stream Mixing PCM Its setup is: pcmppcm_dmix.cThe dmix plugin supports only playback streamunable to create IPC semaphoreunable to create IPC shm instanceunable to open slavedmix plugin can be only connected to hw pluginunable to initialize slaveunable to create serverunable to connect clientdmix_clientunable to initialize sum ring bufferunable to initialize poll_fdUnsupported format_snd_pcm_dmix_openDirect Snoop PCM Its setup is: pcmppcm_dsnoop.cThe dsnoop plugin supports only capture streamunable to create IPC semaphoreunable to create IPC shm instanceunable to open slavedsnoop plugin can be only connected to hw pluginunable to initialize slaveunable to create serverunable to connect clientdsnoop_clientunable to initialize poll_fd_snd_pcm_dsnoop_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0?Mu-Law conversion PCM (%s) Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_mulaw.cslaveUnknown field %sslave is not definedinvalid slave format_snd_pcm_mulaw_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0?!adpcm->statespcm_adpcm.cIma-ADPCM conversion PCM (%s) Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slaveslaveUnknown field %sslave is not definedinvalid slave format_snd_pcm_adpcm_open%s IO-PCM Plugin Its setup is: ioplug && ioplug->callbackpcm_ioplug.cioplug->callback->start && ioplug->callback->stop && ioplug->callback->pointerioplug: Plugin version mismatch IOPLUG: invalid parameter type %dnull->state == SND_PCM_STATE_PREPAREDpcm_null.cnull->state != SND_PCM_STATE_OPENNull PCM Its setup is: pcmp/dev/nullCannot open /dev/null/dev/fullCannot open /dev/fullUnknown field %s_snd_pcm_null_open!snd_interval_empty(i)interval_inline.hn > 0interval.cNONEALL%u%c%u %u%csnd_interval_single(i)*c > (-2147483647 - 1)*c < 2147483647a > 0 || adir >= 0b > 0 || bdir >= 0area->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0?Linear conversion PCM (%s) Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_linear.cslaveUnknown field %sslave is not definedslave format is not linear_snd_pcm_linear_openpcm_hw.cSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_SYNC_PTR failedF_GETFL failedF_SETFL for O_NONBLOCK failedF_SETFL for O_ASYNC failedF_SETSIG failedF_SETOWN failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_INFO failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HW_PARAMS failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HW_FREE failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_SW_PARAMS failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_CHANNEL_INFO failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_STATUS failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_DELAY failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_HWSYNC failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_PREPARE failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_RESET failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_DROP failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_DRAIN failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_PAUSE failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_REWIND failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_FORWARD failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_RESUME failedSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_LINK failedInvalid type for SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_LINKSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_UNLINK failedcontrol mmap failedstatus munmap failedcontrol munmap failedclose failed cannot get card nameHardware PCM card %d '%s' device %d subdevice %d Its setup is: pcmpSNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_PVERSION failedTTSTAMP failed TSTAMP failed /dev/snd/pcmC%iD%ip/dev/snd/pcmC%iD%icinvalid stream %dopen %s faileddefaults.pcm.nonblockcardInvalid type for %sInvalid value for %sdevicesubdevicesync_ptr_ioctlnonblockrateformatinvalid type for %schannelsUnknown field %scard is not defined_snd_pcm_hw_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0?A-Law conversion PCM (%s) Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_alaw.cslaveUnknown field %sslave is not definedinvalid slave format_snd_pcm_alaw_openarea->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0?Linear Integer <-> Linear Float conversion PCM (%s) Its setup is: Slave: pcmp && slavepcm_lfloat.cslaveUnknown field %sslave is not definedslave format is not linear integer or linear float_snd_pcm_lfloat_openMmap emulation PCM Its setup is: Slave: slavepcm_mmap_emul.cUnknown field %sslave is not defined_snd_pcm_mmap_emul_open/tmp/alsa-dmix-%i-%li-%lipcm_direct.csocket failedbind failed: %schmod failed: %sconnect failed: %spfds && nfds == 1 && reventsdshare interval %i empty?dshare access mask empty?dshare format mask empty?dshare channels mask empty?val <= 64mask_inline.h!snd_mask_empty(mask)  unable to find a valid configuration for slavesnd_pcm_hw_params_any failedslave plugin does not support mmap interleaved or mmap noninterleaved accessrequested or auto-format is not availablerequested count of channels is not availablerequested rate is not availableunable to set buffer timeunable to set buffer sizeunable to set period_timeunable to set period_sizeunable to set requested periodsunable to use stream with periods == 1unable to install hw paramsunable to get current sw_paramsunable to get boundaryunable to set stop thresholdunable to tstamp mode MMAPunable to set silence thresholdunable to set silence threshold (please upgrade to 0.9.0rc8+ driver)unable to install sw params (please upgrade to 0.9.0rc8+ driver)unable to start PCM streamunable to use hardware pcm with fd more than one!!!unable to info for slave pcmhw:CLASS=%i,SCLASS=0,CARD=%i,DEV=%i,SUBDEV=%iunable to open timer '%s'unable to use timer '%s' with more than one fd!unable to open hardwareunable to mmap channelsunable to set timer parametersinvalid type for bindingsinvalid client channel in binding: %s client channel out of rangeunable to get slave channel (should be integer type) in binding: %s invalid slave channel number %ld in binding to %ldunable to route channels %d,%d to same destination %dToo many definition levels (looped?)pcmUnknown slave PCM %sslavepcm_slavetypeInvalid value for PCM type definition hwInvalid type '%s' for slave PCM cardInvalid type for %sInvalid value for %sdevicesubdevicedefaults.pcm.dmix_max_periodsipc_keyThe field ipc_key must be an integer typeipc_permThe field ipc_perm must be a valid file permissionipc_gidThe field ipc_gid must be a valid groupThe field ipc_gid must be a valid group (create group %s)ipc_key_add_uidThe field ipc_key_add_uid must be a boolean typebindingsslowptrmax_periodsUnknown field %sslave is not definedUnique IPC key is not definedtimer.cInvalid type for TIMER %s definitionInvalid type for TIMER definitiontypetype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %stimer_typeInvalid type for TIMER type %s definitioncommentlibopenUnknown field %s_snd_timer_%s_open_dlsym_timer_001Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %stimerUnknown timer %stimer && nametimer && name && lconfinvalid handler type %dtimer && pfds && reventsinfodst && srcparamsstatus((timer->mode & 0003) == 00) || ((timer->mode & 0003) == 02)buffer || size == 0timertimer_hw.cF_GETFL failedF_SETFL for O_ASYNC failedF_SETSIG failedF_SETOWN failed/dev/snd/timerextended read is not supported (SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_TREAD)commenttypeclasssclasscarddevicesubdeviceUnexpected field %s_snd_timer_hw_open/dev/snd/timercommenttypetimer_query_hw.cUnexpected field %s_snd_timer_query_hw_openrawmidi_hw.cclose failed F_GETFL failedF_SETFL for O_NONBLOCK failedSNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_INFO failedSNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_PARAMS failedSNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_STATUS failedSNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_DROP failedSNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_DRAIN failed/dev/snd/midiC%iD%ioutputp!(mode & ~(0x0001|0x0002|0x0004))open %s failedSNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_PVERSION failedcarddevicesubdevice_snd_rawmidi_hw_opencontrol_ext.cctl_ext: Plugin version mismatch area->step % 8 == 0pcm_local.hbitofs % 8 == 0pcm_rate_linear.cdst_frames overflowinvalid pcm period_size %ld -> %ldInvalid plugin version %x VirtualVirtual RawMIDIslavemergedefault_snd_rawmidi_virtual_openseqseq.cInvalid type for SEQ %s definitionInvalid type for SEQ definitiontypetype is not definedunable to get idInvalid type for %sseq_typeInvalid type for SEQ type %s definitioncommentlibopenUnknown field %s_snd_seq_%s_open_dlsym_seq_001Cannot open shared library %ssymbol %s is not defined inside %sUnknown SEQ %sseqp && nameseqp && name && lconfseq->streams & 2seq->streams & 1seq && pfds && reventsseq && seq->obufsize >= sizeof(snd_seq_event_t)seq && seq->ibufptrdst && srcinfoseq && infoinfo && nameseq && info && client >= 0seq && portseq && info && client >= 0 && port >= 0seq && info && port >= 0seq && subseq && subsseq && nameseq && statusseq && tempoinfo && idseq && timerevseq && evpollseqseqmid.caddr && arg:.                       (((00 @ @ 1111111111@@AAAAA(seq_hw.cclose failed F_GETFL failedF_SETFL for O_NONBLOCK failedSNDRV_SEQ_IOCTL_CLIENT_ID failedSNDRV_SEQ_IOCTL_SYSTEM_INFO failed0/dev/snd/seqopen %s failedSNDRV_SEQ_IOCTL_PVERSION failedcommenttype_snd_seq_hw_open0C0?@L>C??pt: assertion failed in %s:%i. manager.c0.9.27 ?function?%s: %s: %d: %s: Assertion `%s' failed.      `/dev/nullCPOSIX: %s%s%s +- 0x0X (nil)(null)hlLjztqZnpxXoudifFeEgGaACScs +0-#'I.|npxXoudifFeEgGaACSncs[hlLjztq*'I(nil) annfinityUnknown error SuccessOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callInput/output errorNo such device or addressArgument list too longExec format errorBad file descriptorNo child processesResource temporarily unavailableCannot allocate memoryPermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice or resource busyFile existsInvalid cross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentToo many open files in systemToo many open filesInappropriate ioctl for deviceText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeNumerical argument out of domainNumerical result out of rangeResource deadlock avoidedFile name too longNo locks availableFunction not implementedDirectory not emptyToo many levels of symbolic linksNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedInvalid exchangeInvalid request descriptorExchange fullNo anodeInvalid request codeInvalid slotBad font file formatDevice not a streamNo data availableTimer expiredOut of streams resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorMultihop attemptedRFS specific errorBad messageValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in too many shared librariesCannot exec a shared library directlyInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide characterInterrupted system call should be restartedStreams pipe errorToo many usersSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not availableProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supportedProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocolAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerNo buffer space availableTransport endpoint is already connectedTransport endpoint is not connectedCannot send after transport endpoint shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostOperation already in progressOperation now in progressStale NFS file handleStructure needs cleaningNot a XENIX named type fileNo XENIX semaphores availableIs a named type fileRemote I/O errorDisk quota exceededNo medium foundWrong medium typeUnknown signal nan infinityinf/bin/shsh-c%s: illegal option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c POSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s'   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~/etc/group$@Y@@חAyAC7FnO8M?HwZ20OuM@AUCDF&HIKOMOPRTVXZ\_SaceIhj3moYruwza}MJYzO@؝H";sŽ1X(xy+snd_pcm_channel_area_stepsnd_pcm_channel_area_addrsnd_pcm_softvol_hw_paramssoftvol_load_controlw<t|x|snd_pcm_softvol_open_snd_pcm_softvol_openl p<tDܜ ` 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